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You've Been Shelling Pistachios All Wrong
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بازدید : 93
دوشنبه 24 مرداد 1401 زمان : 10:45

You've Been Shelling Pistachios All Wrong

Pistachios are always a great snack to satisfy the tastebuds, and you can also use them in a whole range of difference recipes.

From pistachio ice cream, to sprinkling some on top of a cake or even adding some extra crunch as a chicken topping, the possibilities are endless.

pistachio shell

One thing that has stumped foodies is removing pistachios from their shell. Take it from us, it can get messy and let's face it, anything that makes everyday tasks a little bit easier are always welcomed.

Cue TikToker @motorcityeats, who has revealed the best way to remove a pistachio seeds from their shells and we can't believe we never tried this method before.

Watch the clip below:

While some people rip them op

“I always thought you had to rip your fingernails off in the process,” one TikTok user joked in the comments.

How do you open pistachios? (Credit: Unsplash)

While someone else quipped: “Thought the right way was licking all the salt off first lol #proper”.

Another surprised woman asked: “So no one shoves them in their mouth and uses their teeth LMFAOO”.

In fact, there were lots of stories about teeth almost breaking from people trying to open pistachio seeds: “If you haven’t nearly broken a tooth trying to open one, have you really eaten them?” said another TikTok commenter.

People are just realising how to remove the shell from pistachios. (Credit: Unsplash)

One person said: “So u mean to tell me I’ve been ripping open my fingertips my whole life for no reason?”

Some commenters asked how to use the method to open pistachios where the shell is completely or virtually closed. Thankfully, one woman in the comments had a solution: “For those ones I use half of another shell to easily pry it open”.

Never have we wanted to buy a bag of pistachios more than right now!

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